ADOL Working to Place Qualified Employees in Maritime Positions

Alabama Department of Labor

News Release

For Immediate Release: August 4, 2016


ADOL Working to Place Qualified Employees in Maritime Positions

“Get the Training. Get the Job!” Initiative to Encourage Training Participation


MOBILE – Alabama Department of Labor Secretary Fitzgerald Washington announced today that the Department will launch an initiative to place qualified employees in vacant maritime positions in the Mobile area. Working with area community colleges, local governments, chambers of commerce, regional groups, and maritime employers, ADOL is encouraging interested jobseekers to take advantage of free training opportunities in the area in order to become qualified for these highly competitive, well paid positions.

“We know there is a need in the Mobile area for maritime workers, from welders to shipfitters, and we are hearing from employers that they’re having trouble finding qualified workers. We are hoping to fix that with this initiative,” said Washington. “It’s always been our goal to match workers with jobs. We are simply focusing on one specific need right now.”

Ultimately, the trained, qualified jobseekers will participate in an industry recruitment event to be held in October. This event will be sponsored by ADOL, WKRG-TV, and Bishop State Community College.

“These positions are different from a lot of jobs in Alabama,” continued Washington. “You can’t just walk in off the street and get hired. These positions require training and skill, so it’s very important to get into a qualified training program. That’s our theme for this initiative: Get the training. Get the job!”

Most maritime jobs pay more than $17/hour. Some examples of maritime positions and their hourly wages include:


Structural Metal Fabricators & Fitters                                          $17.87

Welders                                                                                       $18.34

Layout Workers                                                                           $19.36

Electricians                                                                                  $22.43

Plumbers, Pipefitters & Steamfitters                                            $20.24

Sailors and Marine Oilers                                                            $19.69

Captains, Mates and Pilots of Water Vessels                              $42.99



Interested jobseekers should visit to find out more information regarding FREE training programs, including programs from AIDT, Bishop State, and more. Additionally, staff at the Mobile Career Center can give personalized, one-on-one assistance to ensure that jobseekers are enrolled in the appropriate program.


Members of the media seeking more information should contact Communications Director Tara Hutchison at (334) 242-8616.


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